Coming from a one-year hiatus, I’m back with a pretty hardcore post. Go ahead and watch the video at the end. I have a long-standing fear of small crawling or flying insects.. generally anything so small that can go and play inside bodily orifices (nose, ear, eyes, and all the other \’holes\’ we\’ve got). Thinking of these things gives me the creeps. Naturally, stories of leeches (locally known as limatik) scare the heck out of me. Limatiks are widely known

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**This photo was taken back during the days when I could still muster climbing a mountain. Mt. Pulag, at 2922 meters above sea level, is the third highest peak in the country (next to Apo and Dulang-dulang) and the highest peak in Luzon. Now I haven’t been to a lot of peaks, but Mt. Pulag is certainly one of the most picturesque. The photo shows the descent from the peak going back to the campsite with the early morning sun

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Hearing a French man based in Singapore say that Batad is the best place he’s ever visited in Southeast Asia is heartwarming but knowing that you haven’t set foot on the rice terraces yet is just, well, sad. The Rice Terraces in the Cordillera Administrative Region are collectively acknowledged as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Note that the Rice Terraces is tagged as a RED cultural site, meaning that it is included in the list of heritage in danger.  The

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Back in college, I thought I wanted to be part of the group who seemed laid back and looked like they had most fun. I attended a couple of meetings with my university’s mountaineering club but I didn’t stay long enough to get to the application phase. I couldn’t see why I needed to run 5 times around the campus perimeter with a time limit as preparation to a climb or why I needed to bring a backpack that’s a

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