This is a sponsored post. Even parents deserve a break sometimes. Whether they think it’s fair or not, a holiday without the children is nothing to feel guilty about. In fact, the kids can enjoy it just as much if you organise a holiday for them too – perhaps a trip with their grandparents to help keep their mind off the fact their parents are sunning themselves on one of the awesome adult only holidays that are available from Neilson.
Author: Ruby
This is a sponsored post. A cruise is a spectacular type of holiday. After all, waking up to new destinations every morning and exploring multiple locations in one fell swoop is certainly a great way to enjoy a holiday. But given the all inclusive nature of cruising and the enormous operational undertaking involved, it’s not the cheapest type of holiday you’ll ever find. So is there such a thing as a cheap cruise? And if so, how do you find
For the lack of words, I am ending this blogging hiatus with a photo post. These are images of the Henderson Waves Bridge in Singapore, taken in January of this year when I took a break from my me time in Brunei to visit friends. I dragged my friends to this bridge telling them that if there is one thing that I wanted to see in my trip, this was it. We must see the Henderson Waves Bridge at dusk. And
“I was thinking of buying an I ♥ Brunei shirt but I don’t love Brunei so I didn’t”, said the tourist who I first met aboard the hotel mini-bus on our way to see the Regatta competition. True. Wearing one would make you a lying endorser. I have been holed up here for almost three months now and though I have made friends and somehow unwillingly settled in the way of life, I still could not say “love”… because “love”
If a picture paints a thousand words, I’m pretty sure this one shows a happy lady on her bike, wearing a smile to mask a grimace. A year and a half ago, I embarked on a challenge to finally learn how to bike at the age of 26. With the help of a friend who patiently taught me and who actually researched how to teach an adult to ride a bike, I was finally able to go around my neighborhood on